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Find peace.


Inside all of us, way deep inside, there’s a place that’s calm no matter what kind of storm is raging. Some call it our center, others call it innate compassion or Buddha nature, and still others call it the Holy Spirit. There are all sorts of ways to refer to who and what we are underneath our layers of suffering.

Sit still, just for a moment. Breathe in slowly to a silent count of three. Then breathe out in the same way. Feel the air fill your lungs, feel it leaving. Breathe in and breathe out, three times. Pay attention only to your breath.

When we do this regularly, during calm times or to get calm during a stressful time, we’re better able to feel the difference between the strong emotions we feel in one part of ourselves and the deep, still pool of calm that is always within us. We’re more aware, more mindful of everything at that moment.

If you’re not already familiar with the idea of mindful breathing or awareness and don’t quite get it, that’s OK. But when we practice breathing like this on a regular basis and paying attention to our inner selves, we start to find our inner peace. We know, beyond a doubt, that it’s there, even if it’s buried under a few feet or miles of emotions that constantly vie for our attention.




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